sunnuntai 24. joulukuuta 2017


Lämmintä joulua!

It was a Christmas night/ a boy and a girl were holding on tight/
For it was cold and they were on the run/ Not many things on their minds but only one/
That boy loved girl and girl loved boy/ was the reason of their inner joy.

So, out of the town they went / to where the boy had once been sent
A little farm by the river/ oh, how the wind made them shiver
There was for animals a shady hut/ the door of which was never locked or shut.

Light a candle, she said/ by the warm light I thy wed. /
No, said he/ for someone might see/
Our endeavour and come to stop/ our lovely and fortunate lot.

So, in the darkness of Christmas night they said yes/ and as you can guess
Were warmed by each other. / Next morning found them in peaceful sleep.
And it was long and it was deep. /

When they woke up they saw a light/ which blinded their eye sight.
What it was they didn´t know/ but to it they yearned to go
The wondrous glow / was from pure, fresh snow

 What came to them, you might ask/ to tell you that is my lovely task
Together they grew old/ fondly remembering this night of cold.
For love and wonder it is said/ warm us all till we are dead


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