tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2018

Poem in English


Let´s get it on

The pitiful angel
You are my personal sin
You, I pray to have
My fingers flowing on your backbone

I want more

The wise and watchful
Your earthly touch
Brings me to the gates of heaven
I´m kissing your chest and startling your hair

I want more

Spirit of water
I am taking your clothes off
My hands touch your curves
Like the waves of a river

I want you

Breath of fire
Still his disciple
Your back so strong
These arm have a hold on me

I want you

Closer and closer
Mouths sip the skin
Desire burns us
We are face to face, eye to eye

We want us

The perfect combo
Thinking the same thing
Feeling the same love
Oh, you, nothing more in this moment

We. Together. One.

The morning after
Laying beside you
The prodigal son returned
The pitied girl redefined

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