tiistai 22. toukokuuta 2018

Sweet nightmare (SN 1)


She stared at her bloodstained hands as she backed away from his body. “I´m sorry”, she whispered silent tears running down her cheek. “I´m so sorry!”

Nora woke up on her own sweat and shaking. That same dream again. James´ lifeless body in front of her and blood, so much blood. Yet she was painstakingly unsure to whom all that blood belonged to. Was it all from James or were there more dead persons? Maybe some of it was hers… The dream was shaky and unsure at best. But every time it came it scared the living shit out of her.

James was her boyfriend. They had been together for a time now and people saw their relationship as quite established. Both of their parents were pleased of their child´s choice. She had met James first time in the summer two years ago. The boy was rollerblading in the town square with his friends. Nora knew them all vaguely and – to be honest – wasn´t very interested. She waited for her BFF to arrive to the square when James came to her. He was sweaty and distinctly handsome. Nora was surprised by the feeling which came through her when she was around him. He had asked her name and wanted to take the beautiful girl to a date. Nora had agreed. The following night they met each other at the carnival and after that they had basically been inseparable.

Nora stood up from the bed. She stretch her arms up to the ceiling trying to shed the last bits of sleep away. Then she walked to bathroom which was next to her room. I look horrible, she thought when she saw herself from the mirror. Her eyes looked tired and teary and her hair was an awful mess. She let the water flow from the tap and washed her face. She was looking a bit better now and felt refreshed. After half an hour she was ready with her mourning routine and went downstairs for breakfast. Mum was making a fuss as always. She only saw a glimpse of dad who apparently had Saturday shift this week and therefor was already leaving when she came down. Nora took few pancakes and some maple syrup to her plate and chop a banana to accompany them.

Mum looked at her, worrying. 
“Are you ill, darling? I´m needed at Mikey´s football club all day. Can you manage?” 
Mikey was her little brother. Nora shook her head. 
“Don´t worry, mum. I´m fine, I just had that nasty dream again.” 
Mum came and hugged her from behind the chair. It felt quite comforting. Mikey who had eaten his breakfast earlier came crushing to the kitchen. He had his football gear on. 
“Are we going soon, mum?” 
Mum released her hands from the hug and turned back to fuss about the food she was taking with her. She glanced Mikey behind her shoulder. 
“Yes, dear, in a minute. You can go to the car already. You know where the keys are.” 
Mikey left the way he had come in, running fast. Nora smiled to her mother’s back. Mikey was always super energetic and sometimes a real pain in the ass.
“Have a nice day, mum! And tell Mikey I hope he makes lots of goals”, Nora said when mum was shutting the front door behind her back. She heard the car leaving their yard and heading to the road.

Nora sipped the remaining’s of her orange juice and looked her phone. She was going to meet her best friend Sonya, James and some others at the beach later. She lazily scrolled through her Instagram feed. Nothing particularly interesting popped up. She put the glass to the dishwasher and went back upstairs to study to the mid-term she had next week. Around 1 pm she left the house and headed up to the sea shore. She had just passed the ends of their neighborhood when a weird feeling went down her spine. Like she was followed. Nora hurried her steps but it didn´t help. She still felt somebody´s eyes at her back. When she reached the bus stop, she was extremely happy that the bus came straight away.

“Jimsie, someone was surely coming after me.” 
James frowned to her and drew her nearer. 
“Probably a person just looked over his fence, you felt it and rest was only your wild imagination.” 
They were at the beach. The others were playing beach volley and Nora and James were sitting on the edge of the field. Weather was frisky even for early summer. James had borrowed his jacket to her since Nora had been shivering. 
“I was not imagining! There was someone, some old creep, I suppose. Can you give me a ride home?” James sighed and hovered her hair. 
“I will, baby, if it makes you feel safer. But seriously I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” Nora sneered at him. Sonya had been more attending to her fears but she was a girl, of course she understood. James could be a tactless idiot sometimes.

James stopped his car in front of their door. 
“Here you go. From now on you have a safe passage to home.” 
He kissed Nora to the cheek before she managed to retire her face far enough. 
“Good night, my lovely asshole”, Nora said, slamming the car door. 
James just smiled and waved to her when he drove away.  Nora went to bed early much of a surprise to her parents. She said she was just tired herself at the beach. She said nothing about the possible stalker so they wouldn´t worry. It´s enough that one person in this family is worrying about that, she thought under her blankets.


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