tiistai 15. tammikuuta 2019

Sweet nightmare, part 2


The first part is in the post of 22nd May 2018

Next morning was Sunday and everybody was at home. Nora ate a long, slow breakfast with her family. She had slept well and the dream hadn´t bothered her. Mum and dad talked about work related stuff and hoped to get their vacation at the same time. Mum had prepared self-made Danish rolls which were extremely delicious. Afterwards Nora played video games with Mikey, losing on purpose most of the time for little brother´s joy. Late afternoon she wanted to have bit of fresh air and left for a stroll. The weather was frisky like it had been yesterday but the sun shined like never before. She had her headphones on, listening her favorite tunes. Suddenly she had a cold feeling on her back. Someone was watching her.

Nora turned her head around only to see a suspicious looking guy scrolling his phone. She speeded up her steps and saw from the corner of her eye that the man followed her. Panic started to rise on her mind. Is he going to kill me, Nora thought just when the man grabbed her arm. He crushed her heavy-handedly to near fence.

“Little cutesy”, said the creep, “give me a kiss.” 

Nora tried to pull her face away from the guy´s lips. Her body was frozen under his hold. She couldn´t even cry for help. Then, like someone had heard her prayers, a very demanding voice said: 

“Are you harassing this lady?” 

The man turned his eyes toward the voice and abled also Nora to see the speaker. He was tall or maybe it was just his well-tailored trench coat that made him look sky-high.

Her harasser grinned for the sudden newcomer. “Is this cutesy your girlfriend?”, he snuffled.

Trench coat looked at him like he was the most loathsome thing on earth. “Oh, I see I need to speak extra clearly. Hands off of the girl! Or otherwise I have to start taking measures,” he said rather calmly. 

Nora´s harasser laughed nastily. “Polish boy don´t have dare.” 

But he had. Before Nora could blink her eyes the creep was on his knees in front of her seemingly in great pain. His eyes had swollen big staring the trench coat wearing man and you could see that he was trying to escape. He fought against something Nora couldn´t see for a while and then, like he had been freed, jumped to his feet and run off as fast as he could spitting curses behind him.

Trench coat seemed to forget him immediately he was out of sight. He came to Nora and offered his hand. 

“Are you alright?”, he asked. 

Nora grabbed his hand and stood up. Her legs were shaking and the stranger had to help her stay on her feet. “I…I can manage. Thank you for banishing that creep”, she mumbled hastily. 

“No worries. You seem to have a following. I thought I was the only one who is after you.” 

Nora ripped her hand violently off the man´s grip and took few steps back. Man looked somewhat amused about her reaction but didn´t do anything threatening. Nora took her phone from the pocket and waved it around. “I will call the police”, she said with high-pitched voice. But the phone fell off of her sweaty hand.

Man sighed. “Pick it up. And call the cops if you feel like it. In the meantime, my name is Marvel. You can tell that to the cops too.” 

Nora could hear how the last bit came out with some amount of sarcasm. She took her phone from the ground and straightened herself up. “I was almost raped, if you didn´t notice. I have every right to be afraid and suspicious of you and your stupid made-up name”, she uttered angrily. 

Marvel showed his palms as to reassure Nora that he didn´t intent to harm the girl in any way and came a step or two closer. “I understand and you have right. But my name is not made-up. And since I have revealed myself to you I can explain why I´ve been following you. Let´s get to some nice – and maybe warmer – place and have a talk there”, he said looking Nora into eyes.

Nora was the one to sigh now. “Next you are going to suggest that we go to your house which surprisingly happens to be nearby”, she claimed. 

Marvel looked frustrated. “My flat is far away. I was going to suggest that we go to one of those cafes on the beach boulevard since I need a cup of coffee. I don´t save girls from rapists on daily basis, you know.” 

Nora thought for a moment. She was indeed anxious to hear an explanation to what Marvel had said. And they would be in a crowded place, so if he tried something… “Ok but keep your hands where I can see them all the time when we walk there. And you´ll go in front of me.” 

Marvel seemed to settle on this and started walking to the right direction. Nora followed and thought this had to be a good sign. They were obviously going toward the beach. She relaxed a bit but still stared Marvel´s hands readily.


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